GET TO KNOW US - Meet Mike Waggett

It's time to get to know your internet marketing team a little bit better!

If you're like us, you don't want to do business with inapproachable companies. You want to do business with real people. That's what we are here at MSW Interactive Designs - a group of real people who are dedicated to helping our customers achieve optimum results with their internet marketing campaigns. In order to make ourselves more accessible to our clients, we are currently producing a series of blogs designed to help you get to know our team better. We kicked it off last month by doing a Q&A with our Owner and Web Designer, Sandy Waggett. This month, we're continuing the series by introducing Co-Owner & Business Development Guy, Mike Waggett.

Q:  What brought you to the Lake of the Ozarks? 
A:  We moved to the Lake of the Ozarks 9 years ago to be closer to Sandy’s Mom (Jane) and Dad (Larry). I had served 24 years in the United State Air Force and retired from a Command assignment in Knoxville, Tennessee. Larry lived in Olean, MO (he passed away 3 years ago) and Jane lives in St Louis. We had vacationed at the Lake, loved the area, and we could move our company headquarters to any location. Sandy had been following me around the country with my multiple military assignments over the years, so now it was Sandy’s turn to pick where to live. She said “Let’s go to the Lake!” and I said "Absolutely!”

Q:  How did you get started in the internet marketing field? 
A:  I learned the technical aspects of the Internet through a Master’s Degree in Education (emphasize on Instructional Technology) from the University of Colorado. As the Director of Business Development for the company, I took the skills learned from the military and applied them to building good marketing strategies that we can offer to our clients. The transition to the civilian business world was not always smooth, but I tried to learn quickly, and we have since grown our team from 5 employees in 2009 to our team of 14 today.

Q:  What do you like most about your job? 
A:  The best thing about my job is working with my wife. Sandy started the company in 1999, but I really had very little involvement. Now, I can be with my wife much more than when I was in the military. The other part of the job I truly enjoy is helping our clients grow their business and become successful.

Q:  What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not at work? 
A:  Sandy and I are big golfers. If we are not working, we are probably on one of the beautiful golf courses in the Lake of the Ozarks area.

Q:  Who’s your family?  
A:  My Dad is Lew Waggett, a retired Senior Engineer from Xerox Corporation. My Mom, Arlene Waggett, was an administrative assistant to one of the senior Vice Presidents of Gannett Corporation for many years. They moved to Florida after they retired and are very active in their community. I had a younger brother, Paul, who passed away several years ago.

Q:  What did you want to be when you grew up? 
A:  I actually wanted to be an engineer like my Dad. I worked very hard to get scholarships to various engineering schools, and was fortunate enough to get a full ride via an Air Force ROTC scholarship to Syracuse University. I started out as a Chemical Engineer. I expected to graduate, serve my 4 years of service, and then get a high paying engineering position. Again, I was fortunate to receive an award during my summer field training between my Sophomore and Junior years as the top cadet in the training. This allowed me the choice to change my scholarship category. I had a flight during this training in a T-37 jet trainer, and I enjoyed it a lot. In addition, school classes in engineering were very hard, and my social life was pretty much non-existent. I changed my scholarship to “Pilot”, was selected for fighter training, and I changed my major to Mathematics. The rest is history (24 years as a fighter pilot), and my social life got much better.

Q:  What’s something that very few people know about you? 
A:  I actually was a pretty good Viola player in high school, and was accepted into the Rochester, NY youth philharmonic orchestra. I had a Viola teacher that I respected give me some hard to accept news… I did not have the talent to pursue a professional career in music. So, I started playing the guitar to get more dates. I played in several bands over the years, including a band in Las Vegas.

Q:  What’s on your bucket list? 
A:  To live long enough to see the Buffalo Bills win a Superbowl.

Q:  Who inspires you? 
A:  This is no brainer. My wife inspires me each and every day. She is the smartest, hardest working, most honest, most caring person I know.

Q:  What is your favorite social media platform and why? 
A:  Facebook, closely followed by YouTube. Facebook continues to be the King of social media, and the opportunities to achieve business success for our clients are highest. I’m always doing research on the next hot social media platform, however, so that we can continue to look out for our clients.

Check Back Next Month To Meet Our Wordpress Guru, Keith Lucas!

We'll continue our "get to know us" series next month with our Web Designer and Wordpress Expert, Keith Lucas. In the meantime, keep watching our blog for weekly insights into the world of internet marketing for small businesses
Phone: 877-211-5492


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