What Our Rock Stars Have Been Up To While Working From Home😎

Our MSW Interactive Designs rock stars have been working from home for about seven weeks now. We thought it would be fun to see what everyone is up to (besides working hard on website design, social media engagement, and other internet marketing services)! We asked our team some questions about working from home. Check it out:

Rebbecah Sansom:

What do you like most about working from home?
I'm saving a ton of money on gas, daycare and generally not going to the gas stations/grocery stores every day!
I also LOVE being able to spend more quality time with Wesley.

What is the most challenging part about working from home?
While being home more with Wesley has been an absolute blessing, it's also been a major challenge. Wesley doesn't quite understand that mom is working and just wants me to play with him all day. Some days are better than others, and he does a great job at entertaining himself for short periods of time so I can get some work done. Other days, I've got to work really strange hours just to work around his schedule and get all my work done.

What about your daily schedule has changed the most?
I'm a planner. I've got everything I need to do for the day written down on a calendar. Working from home with Wesley, I've had to learn to be okay with my plans changing. I'm getting better at 'going with the flow'.

What extra task or project have you been able to work on while working from home?
Since I'm not spending nearly 2 hours of drive time every day, I've been able to stop working and immediately start spending more time with the family. We've been spending a lot of time outdoors trying our hand at gardening (which we're learning we're not very good at), working around the yard and farm, training puppies (or trying to), and we've even got to witness the birth of 3 of our 5 new calves! 

Now that you've been working at home for 7 weeks, what advice would you give your week 1 self? 
I would tell myself not to get too worked up about minor setbacks. Working from home has some hardships, but we're adaptive and quickly learning to work through them - so just enjoy it while you can, and learn to roll with the punches.

Deanna Powell:

What do you like most about working from home?
The flexibility that allows me to arrange my work schedule around the other projects I am currently a part of.

What is the most challenging part about working from home?
Most of the time my work hours happen while the house is empty but since everyone is having to stay at home right now, the most challenging part is getting them to remember to keep quiet when they are near my office door. The family doesn't always understand that even though they are off work and out of school right now, I am still working.

What about your daily schedule has changed the most?
I have been working remotely for a couple of years now, so I had my working-at-home schedule pretty much nailed down a while ago. Since the entire team is currently working from home, the 3 weekly online meetings are the biggest change for me but I really like them because I get to see everyone a lot more often than usual.

What extra task or project outside of work have you been able to work on while working from home?
I started working from home when I moved to Springfield where I also co-own Playco Games, a board game publishing company. We are in the process of fulfilling a Kickstarter that recently funded & I'm in the process of getting a new Kickstarter game ready to go online, so that has taken up a lot of the "free time" I have.

Also, I volunteer for Visioncon, a non-profit Pop Culture Convention here in Springfield. (I am a huge comic book nerd!!) Our May 1-3 convention had to be postponed but we didn't want everyone to miss out on the fun, so we quickly did our best to put together a "Virtual Visioncon" to host online to boost the visibility & products of the vendors, artists, guests, and panels that would have taken place at the in-person convention. So in other words... the exact same projects I would have been doing without the quarantine, just executing them in a slightly different way!

Now that you've been working at home for about 3 years, what advice would you give your week 1 self?
Don't panic, it's all going to get done!! (It always does.) Having a plan early in the week and doing my best to stick to that helps a lot but most importantly, going with the flow when something interrupts that plan makes life a lot easier to handle. (In other words, don't panic!) It's nice with MSW Interactive Designs because if there is ever a big wrench thrown into the works, we've got an amazing and supportive team always at the ready to back each other up, so unexpected issues are usually easy to get taken care of quickly. If I do happen to panic, they calm me down right away! 

Karen Horsman:

What do you like most about working from home?
I enjoy being able to spend more time with my husband and our son. I also like saving money and time not commuting to work.

What is the most challenging part about working from home? 
I miss my dual monitors! I didn't know how spoiled I was in the office with two screens. I also miss our office environment! We all work together really well and bounce ideas off one another throughout the work day. It's a really fun environment to work in!

What about your daily schedule has changed the most?
I have extra time in the morning before my work day starts. I've been using that time to relax with the family before starting work!

What extra task or project outside of work have you been able to work on?
We've been working on finishing our basement on weekends here and there for about a year and the last 7 weeks we've been able to make some major progress! We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! We've also been able to play outside more than normal and go for walks almost every day. I've been loving this extra time with my family and trying to soak it all up!

Now that you've been working at home for 7 weeks, what advice would you give your week 1 self? 
Don't stress about things you cannot control!

Amanda Rowden:

What do you like most about working from home?
1. I save an hour a day in drive time.
2. schedule.
3. Being with my dogs all day.

What is the most challenging part about working from home? 
I think the most challenging part is very little human interaction.  Missing my peeps.

What about your daily schedule has changed the most?
Start time - I seem to get up earlier now and go straight to work.

What extra task or project outside of work have you been able to work on?
We have been working on the RV remodel, gardening, and perfecting my corn hole game.

Now that we've been working at home for 7 weeks, what advice would you give your week 1 self? 
This may take a little longer than you think, look over your desk again and take everything with you.

Chasiti Begley:

What do you like most about working from home?
Although our team is still working full time as usual, I LOVE having the extra time that I spend driving into the office. I drive 45 min one way, so it really does give me some extra time to work on projects at home. I also have found myself being more productive because after being on the computer all day at home, I’m ready work on projects once I’m done working.

What is the most challenging part about working from home?
Technology is different at home —  internet isn’t as fast and I miss my duel monitors tremendously. I also miss seeing everyone in the office! We have a great culture at MSW and things just aren’t the same on our Zoom calls!

What about your daily schedule has changed the most?
My morning routine has probably changed the most. Since I have no one to impress at home, no need to do my hair or put my make up on! (Hello time saver!) I was also accustomed to getting up early to go to the gym before work, and now I’m working out at home instead. I have more time to relax and drink my coffee in the morning before I begin work, which I enjoy.

What extra task or project have you been able to work on while working from home?
I’ve always been one to work on projects off the clock, so not much has changed for me as far as quarantine goes. I’ve been planting a garden, working on craft projects, building furniture, taking my dog Higgins kayaking at Ha Ha Tonka, having bonfires during the week just because, trying to convince my two dogs that they don’t need a snack ever time I have one... oh, and I got a new duck — her name is Gertrude, Gerti for short!

Now that you've been working at home for 7 weeks, what advice would you give your week 1 self? 
I would have told myself to pack up my monitors from work!

Krysti Rice:

What do you like most about working from home?
I HAVE THE CUTEST LITTLE OFFICE ASSISTANT EVER! Getting to work with him is something I enjoy when it comes to working from home. If I am feeling stressed about something, I can just look over at him and somehow things can just feel better. Everyone should have a Gizmo in their life, but if you don't - just look at him, consider this your dose of cuteness for the day! 😊

What is the most challenging part about working from home? 
I've worked from home for about a year and a half now and I enjoy the flexibility for sure! One of the things that can be challenging about working from home for MSW is recreating the fun environment that exists in the office. However, we all still enjoy sending some funny GIFS and comments to each other on Facebook messenger and that can always be good for a laugh!

What about your daily schedule has changed the most?
I don't think my schedule has really changed that much other than just having more flexibility and there's no drive time, which is AWESOME!

What extra task or project have you been able to work on while working from home?
I don't really have any extra tasks or projects as I have worked from home long before COVID-19 started. 😊

Now that you've been working at home for about a year and a half, what advice would you give your week 1 self?
As I said earlier, I have worked from home for about a year and a half now. I know working from home now is pretty new for a lot of people, so I'm going to say this is what I advise for them - stick to your normal schedule. For example, if you would normally wake up, put makeup on, get ready and eat breakfast before work - do that. The normal routine may do you more good then you realize. 😊

Keith Lucas:

What do you like most about working from home?
Do you mean other than wearing a tee-shirt and sweatpants everyday? Less distractions and more time. I don't feel as stressed.

What is the most challenging part about working from home?
I don't know; I have really grown to love working from home. I'm lucky as a web designer to have a career that I can do from anywhere. The challenge is that my kids are also home 24/7 with the school closure so I have to help them with school work and like feed them and stuff.

What about your daily schedule has changed the most?
I don't have to waste an hour in my car. My wife and I see each other more because I am home when she is not at the pharmacy working.

Now that you've been working at home for 7 weeks, what advice would you give your week 1 self? 
Be patient and don't worry about it. Make a new normal.

What extra task or project outside of work have you been able to work on?
Taking walks for exercise, spending more time with my family, and saving money. I've also been building an AR-15 rifle "from scratch" so to speak. Ordering each part separately, and building a custom Operation Iraq Freedom engraved firearm that will hopefully be a family heirloom for generations.

Alycia Conrad:

What do you like most about working from home?
I love being able to see my husband more often. We are on opposite schedules for half of every month, so being able to work from home has allowed us to spend a lot more time together. I also love being with my two doggos all day... It's hard to leave those puppy eyes every morning on office days.

What is the most challenging part about working from home? 
It has been an adjustment to use different technology at home. I miss having two screens!

What about your daily schedule has changed the most?
I've been able to take the time to eat healthier and more regularly at home. Instead of rushing breakfast and packing a lunch or eating out, I have my whole refrigerator to choose from every day!

What extra task or project outside of work have you been able to work on?
My husband and I have been able to get a lot of yard work and home renovation projects done like reseeding the yard, staining our deck, installing and fixing up a swim platform, and reinforcing our retaining wall.

Now that you've been working at home for 7 weeks, what advice would you give your week 1 self? 
I would tell my one-week self, "Use your extra time for creativity instead of worry. You might even fall in love with working from home. And get some sunshine!" 😎

Laurel Leurquin:

What do you like most about working from home?
The flexibility to stop and enjoy lunch with the kids or go on a walk if the weather is nice.

What is the most challenging part about working from home?
Tuning out distractions and staying focused, probably.

What about your daily schedule has changed the most?
The biggest difference in working at home and working in the office, for me, is cutting out that really long drive time! Though, sometimes I kind of miss listening to audiobooks and podcasts while it was “nap time” for kids :D.

What extra task or project outside of work have you been able to work on?
We’ve been able to install our bee hive! (photo attached)

Now that you've been working at home for about two years, what advice would you give your week 1 self? 
Start the day with a good breakfast - it helps curb the munching all day long, LOL.

It looks like our team has been very busy! The MSW Interactive Designs rocks stars continue to make us proud as they adapt & make the best of any situation!

Phone: 877-211-5492



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