Stay Top of Mind in Social Media Marketing in 2020

A consistent message can keep your business name and information in front of potential customers. A highly effective way to do that is through social media. On average, people spend 142 minutes on social media each day (that's over 2 hours every day). Clearly people are on social media and if you want to reach people, it's an impactful way to do so. If you want to stay top of mind (and we're pretty sure every business owner does), trust your social media marketing for your small business to the professionals! Our MSW Interactive Designs team has provided some helpful tips for ways you can stay top of mind in the social media world. Check it out:

Consistency is Key

Making regular social media posts is key to staying top of mind. The more often your message is seen by a potential customer, the better. The future customer may not be in need of your product or service today, but they are more likely to recall a business they see on social media when the time for your product or service is needed.

Offer Helpful Information

It can be easy to fall into the "sales, sales, sales" posting strategy. As a business owner, that's the natural thing to do -- push your products or promotions. People don't like to be sold to. Try to offer up some helpful information, showcase how a product solves a problem your customer may have, and feature your business personality. People like doing business with people and this is your chance to showcase your personal side!

Be Memorable

Don't let your message get lost in the mass of messages floating around out there. Keep your message short, sweet, and focused on your goal. A message that's memorable can be much more easily recalled in the future -- which is exactly what you want your potential customers to do with your brand!

Brand Your Message

Ensure your branding is featured on your social media posts. This can help subliminally tie in your business to every post you make on your business accounts. Ensure your followers know who is making those great posts by including your branding on every message that goes out.

Keep Sights on Target Customer

Who is your ideal client? You know, the one you go out of your way to ensure a great experience. Work hard to make sure your message reaches your target audience. A message that's geared toward the wrong audience is a wasted message as it's not reaching the right people to convert into customers.

Be Responsive

Social media is becoming one of the most popular ways to communicate with businesses. Sending a social media message is much more appealing than making a phone call, for many of today's consumers. Ensure you're keeping up with your social media messages and comments. You may just find your next big lead in the comments of a recent post!

As business owners ourselves, we understand it can be difficult to keep up with your social media presence while you're handling your day-to-day tasks that come up. Often times, social media gets pushed down to the bottom of the priority list -- sometimes off the list altogether. That's where MSW Interactive Designs can help! We have social media coordinators who are passionate about helping our clients grow their businesses. If you'd like to learn more about how we can help keep your business top of mind on social media, we'd love to tell you more!

Phone: 877-211-5492


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