Does My Website Need a Security Certificate?

The answer is probably YES, and here’s why. Google has recently announced that it will begin to flag websites as “Not Secure” and will then display a warning that proceeding to the website is “not safe.” This can impact your site traffic and conversion rates. Here’s why this is happening and what you can do about it.


HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It has been around since the world wide web was born, and it has been a general framework to ensure authentication for browsers connecting to servers. HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, and without getting too technical, it’s an additional and separate layer of protection that Google is forcing websites to use.

Does My Website Need to be Secured with HTTPS?

Unless you have an e-commerce website or need to capture sensitive info like a social security number, you really didn’t need to worry about HTTPS (until now). Most websites are static, brochure-style websites that provide information about your business and many have a lead generation form to capture email. This type of captured information does not really need the extra security. But …

Here’s the rub – Google is now going to press the issue.

Unfortunately, even if you have a site that doesn’t truly need an extra layer of security, if your customers use Chrome to browse the internet (42.63% of United States individuals use it for browsing), you may find them leaving your site as soon as they land there. As of July 2018, Chrome will increase the awareness for non-secure sites in very obvious ways. Chrome will be implementing two ways to alert your customers. They will put a “Not Secure” alert in your address bar and plan to use red letters saying “Not Secure” whenever anyone enters anything into a text box on your website.

What you should do sooner than later.

Talk to your webmaster about implementing an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate for your website. SSL is a technology to establish an encrypted link between your website server and a browser. Here’s what an SSL certificate can do for you: 

  • Encrypt all your information 
  • Protect your info from cyber criminals 
  • Establish Trust & Brand Power 
  • Reap any search engine assistance that Google may be giving to secure websites 
  • Do away with security error messages that your customers are getting in Chrome (and other browsers)

There are several choices for SSL certificates and several price points. Typically, SSL certificates have an annual charge and have different features. Make sure you work with your webmaster or web hosting company before purchasing an SSL certificate on your own. The type you need will be dependent on the type of server your site is hosted on. If you have questions, we’re happy to help!


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