5 Reasons to Amp Up Your Internet Marketing Strategy Today!

2018 is the year to amp up your internet marketing strategy! You know you need to do it. Having an updated and mobile-friendly website is a great start, but this alone is no longer enough. An effective internet marketing campaign has several critical components, all of which are important for great social reach and great organic search engine rankings. Businesses with successful internet marketing campaigns tend to include not only social media marketing, but they also produce consistent high-quality e-newsletters, have a testimonial gathering strategy, include a re-marketing strategy, and many are also utilizing SMS text messaging in their campaigns to drive traffic and draw in customers.

In reality, most businesses today aren't truly leveraging the full power of a robust internet marketing campaign simply due to lack of time and expertise. If you're one of them, consider these five reasons why you should really consider amping up your internet marketing mix this year.

1.  It Builds Relationships & Positions You As the Expert

The internet is a place where people go to get their questions answered, interact with friends, and ask people for referrals. You have the answers to some of their questions and you ARE the answer to some of their questions. Having a robust presence and great relationships online makes you part of that conversation. Publishing great content across your website and social channels helps position you as the expert in your field and makes you the "go to" trusted source when the service or product you offer is needed.

2. 90% of People Are Online ... A LOT

A recent study showed that only 10% of Americans are not using the internet (and we think it's actually less than that!).  Look at the people around you everywhere you go - they're either looking at their phones or they have them nearby. Mobile search and mobile eCommerce are the now the norm. Your customers and prospects need to find you "in the palm of their hand." If you're not there, you're losing out.

3. It Increases Visibility

A recent study by NetMarketShare shows that Google drives 96% of mobile search traffic. If you want to increase your visibility, you need to do the things that Google wants you to do. That means having current and robust content on your website, being a valuable and trusted resource to people searching on Google (think reviews and other social proof), and having great social reach, interaction, and website traffic.

4. Competition Can Be Fierce (or not!)

If your competitors aren’t executing a great internet marketing strategy, well, you have a huge advantage over them if you ARE. If your competitors ARE marketing online and doing it well, then you can’t afford to not to be doing the same!

5. It’s Cost Effective

Internet marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to grow your business and expand your reach. It's also the only medium that's a true long term proposition ... the Internet is "forever", after all. As you publish regular content, your online presence grows and grows. While other marketing strategies are also important, investment in your online presence is required and can cost mere pennies on the dollar for the reach you achieve.

If you would like to take small steps or huge leaps in your online marketing strategies, give us a call! Our team can help you evaluate what your business needs to take it to the next level, and then help you execute it!

~ Laurel Leurquin, Creative Services Manager

Phone: 877-211-5492



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