The 5 Worst Excuses for Not Being on (Business) Social Media
Owning a small business is not for the faint of heart. With all the different platforms for marketing your business, running the day to day operations, caring for your customers, and still providing your excellent product or service, it's more than likely your time is way overbooked. All the while, you are expected to keep an active presence on social media and keep in touch with your clients in a meaningful and practical way across multiple channels.
How on earth are you supposed to keep up with all of this? (scratch head here)
Thankfully, you have an expert marketing team at the Lake of the Ozarks who helps you create and amplify your business message online (while you continue successfully running your business). You do, don't you??? If not, read on!
Surprisingly, there are still a large number of business owners who aren't leveraging social media for their business. They are still trying to do it themselves (so it never really gets done), or they have subscribed to at least one of the five worst excuses for not doing social media for their business.
Statistics from 2017:
Facebook - 2.2 billion
Twitter - 330 million
LinkedIn - 467 million
Google+ - 111 million
Instagram - 400 million
Blog - 409 million people
After looking at these numbers, it’s unlikely that your customers don’t use social media. Each platform reaches a different demographic, so we recommend that you keep a presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+, as well as a regularly updated blog. Your customers and prospects are there, so you should be too.
~ Laurel Leurquin, Creative Services Manager
How on earth are you supposed to keep up with all of this? (scratch head here)
Thankfully, you have an expert marketing team at the Lake of the Ozarks who helps you create and amplify your business message online (while you continue successfully running your business). You do, don't you??? If not, read on!
Surprisingly, there are still a large number of business owners who aren't leveraging social media for their business. They are still trying to do it themselves (so it never really gets done), or they have subscribed to at least one of the five worst excuses for not doing social media for their business.
We've heard them all. Have you used (or heard) one of these?
1. My Customers Don’t Use Social Media
Just because you don’t think that your customers are on social media doesn’t mean that they aren’t. In fact, studies from 2017 showed that 81% of the US population had a social networking profile of some sort.Statistics from 2017:
Facebook - 2.2 billion
Twitter - 330 million
LinkedIn - 467 million
Google+ - 111 million
Instagram - 400 million
Blog - 409 million people
After looking at these numbers, it’s unlikely that your customers don’t use social media. Each platform reaches a different demographic, so we recommend that you keep a presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+, as well as a regularly updated blog. Your customers and prospects are there, so you should be too.
2. I Can’t Afford to Pay Someone to Run My Social Media
In a world powered by social media 24/7, you really can’t afford not to make room in your budget for it. People are talking, reviewing, and referring on social media daily. If they aren't talking about you, reviewing your business, or referring your business, they are doing so for your competitor.3. It's Too Much Work
Managing social media channels can take a lot of time, trust us, we know! But see #2 above. It's important that you regularly engage your customers and prospects with new, interesting, and valuable content. It's important to be top of mind and perceived as the expert in your field. It's definitely a lot of work ... but that's why agencies like ours exist. Staying top of mind across social media gives you the best bang for your marketing buck, reaching large numbers of people for pennies on the dollar.4. I Don't Want Negative Feedback
Unfortunately, this is always a possibility. However, having a social media presence allows you to actually manage the reviews you get. Let's face it, there are many places where a disgruntled customer can leave their opinion, even if you don’t have a social media presence. When you actively maintain your social media profiles, you have the power to build positive reviews over time, and you can respond to negative reviews in a timely manner. Customers (and prospects) see this and it rapidly grows "social proof" around your business.5. Social Media Won’t Get Customers Through My Door
It’s true that having a social media presence isn't guaranteed to get customers to come to your store, but when done right, it sure will! It takes time, it requires quality, and consistency is a must. At a minimum, you’ll be investing in a (forever) presence online. What other marketing investment creates something that lasts forever? Additionally, you’ll be improving search engine rankings (over time) as you publish fresh content and drive traffic to your website.Drop the excuses, it's time to get social!
You're the expert at running your business, and we're the experts in social media marketing. We'd make a great pair! Keeping your social media channels updated, engaging, and beautiful has never been more important and it's never been easier. If you are looking to grow your business and improve your social presence, let's talk!~ Laurel Leurquin, Creative Services Manager
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