Meet one of our Rock Star Social Media Coordinators, Brooke McKenzie

It's time to get to know your internet marketing team a little bit better!

We are continuing our blog series, Get To Know Us, this week! In previous blogs, we have had the pleasure to introduce you to owners Mike and Sandy Waggett, Keith Lucas, Erin Burdette, Deanna Rogers Powell, Karen Horsman, Rebbecah Sansom, Laurel Leurquin, Krysti Rice, and Heather Brown. This week, we are introducing another one of our rock stars, Social Media Coordinator, Brooke McKenzie.

Q:  What brought you to the Lake of the Ozarks?

A. I am originally from the Lake of the Ozarks. I was born in Osage Beach and lived in Sunrise Beach until I was 10. We then moved to San Diego, California where I spent the next 14 years. I went to San Diego State University and once I graduated, I decided it was time to come back to the Lake. I couldn’t be happier to be back.

Q:  How did you get started in the internet marketing field?

A. My degree is in Business Management with a specialization in Entrepreneurship. For this reason, I have always been fascinated by the different aspects of running a successful business. With my previous job, I got a little bit of experience with internet marketing and enjoyed it. When I got to the Lake and had the opportunity to learn more from Sandy and Mike, I knew I had to jump at this opportunity.

Q. What do you like most about your job?

A. What I like most about my job is the people that I work with. I couldn’t imagine working with a better group and I learn so much every single day. Not to mention we are always laughing and having a great time together.

Besides that, I love getting to know our different clients and learning more about their business and how we can help them. I love knowing that we are helping local businesses grow and reach their potential.

Q. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not at work?

A. Oh man, where to start. First off, I am a HUGE dog lover. My boyfriend and I just rescued 2 pit-mix puppies who are the sweetest things in the world. I am already looking at adopting more – I love spending time at Dogwood Animal Shelter. I also love working out. My boyfriend and I work out together as much as we can. Moving back to the Lake, I was nervous that we wouldn’t be able to work out like we were used to. Luckily, we found KA Fitness and we have also met some great people through the gym.

Q. Who’s your family?

A. When I describe my family to others, I tell them we are basically the Brady Bunch. I have 2 sisters (one older and one younger) and 2 stepbrothers (both are older). Growing up with this many siblings definitely taught me to be tough and to never take anything personally. My sisters and I are extremely close. We love hard and fight even harder.

Q. What did you want to be when you grew up?

A. I’m pretty sure I wanted to be everything growing up. Let’s just say I had and still have a great imagination. For the longest time, I wanted to be a restaurant owner, not so much anymore but it was fun to imagine when I was younger. 

Q. What’s something that very few people know about you?

A. Oh gosh, this is a hard one. To be honest, I love to go shooting. My boyfriend and I went to the range all the time in San Diego. My uncle takes us to the Sheriff’s Range here at the Lake and it’s a blast. My boyfriend even built me a PINK AR-15 for Valentine’s Day last year. He definitely knows the way to my heart.  

Q. What’s on your bucket list?

A. I don’t really have a bucket list per say. One dream I am currently working towards is opening up a dog rescue. This is something I talk about on a daily basis. It breaks my heart seeing all of the abandoned and abused dogs out there, if I could take every single dog in, I would.

Q. Who inspires you?

A. My mother is the one who inspires me the most. She is a go-getter and has truly taught me how to work hard and work for what you want. I learned early on that nothing is going to be handed to you, if you want something, you have to go out and get it yourself. My mom is such a strong woman and the most amazing mom. She’s supportive and always has my best interests in mind – even if I don’t see that or agree with her. But one thing I’ve learned, Mom is always right. I hope one day I’m half the mom she is.

Q. What is your favorite social media platform and why?

A. Instagram! I love Instagram and everything you can do with it. From Instagram stories to your newsfeed. I feel like more and more people are starting to learn about the power of Instagram, especially with marketing and getting yourself and your business out there. 

MSW Interactive Designs, LLC has been providing website design and other online marketing services since 1999. If you are looking for an affordable internet marketing company you can trust, we hope you'll consider reaching out to our team of experienced internet marketing professionals. We'll put the web to work for you!
Phone: 877-211-5492


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