How to Effectively Promote Your Business With E-Newsletters

E-newsletters are a GREAT tool to use when promoting your business. They allow you to keep in touch with current customers, potential new prospects, and can supply a steady flow of new leads. You just have to know to effectively use your e-newsletters to promote your business. In this blog, our experienced marketing team will give you 5 tips on how to do just that.

1. Determine what kind of online newsletter you want to send.

Too many newsletters out there are too scattered and all over the place. Pick one topic and stick to it. Don't get caught up in discussing every aspect of your business in one newsletter. 1. Doing this to an e-newsletter makes it hard to read. 2. You have a better chance at targeting a specific market if you stick to a specific topic.

2. Create unique content.

Your business is unique, so your newsletters should be too. Create content that is compelling and educating, to where your consumers can't help but read it. Providing unique content is a MUST and will give your e-newsletter and business a professional look.

3. Determine your readers needs and adapt your newsletter to them.

Figure out what your readers want to know and let them enjoy it through your e-newsletters. Address frequently asked questions that are asked by your loyal customers. Do your research and determine your target market. For example, if your target market is men in their twenties, you probably don't want to write about makeup and hair styles. Try taking a poll with your current clients and simply ask them what they want to know more about.

4. Keep it precise.

Keep your e-newsletters to the point. If you have more information, you would like to go into, then add a link to your website and enter the additional information there. Doing this will allow your readers to scan through the e-newsletter quickly and then go to your website for more information. That is the goal. Getting more people to your website is key to growing your business and spreading awareness of it.

5. Add fresh design.

Nothing spruces up an e-newsletter like fresh design pieces. Not only do creative graphics help, but how you format your text will effect your readership. People will continue to view your e-newsletters if they look professionally designed and formatted. Allowing poor looking e-newsletters to go out about your business is a good way to lose credibility. Potential customers want to know they are working with a professional business that's knowledgeable about their craft. Professional e-newsletters  can help market your business for what it really is.

According to Marketing Sherpa, 72 percent of consumers indicate that e-mail is their favorite form of communication with companies they do business with. 61 percent say that they like to receive promotional e-mails weekly. These numbers don't lie and professionally designed e-newsletters with quality graphics and unique content can make all the difference for your business. To view some of our professionally designed e-newsletters, visit our website. Our knowledgeable social media team can assist you in creating your next MUST HAVE promotion for your business, your e-newsletter masterpiece. Call 573-552-8403 for more information.

~ Post by Krysti Rice, Social Media Coordinator
Phone: (573) 552-8403


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