Make Your Business POP With Facebook Live

Our experienced marketing team has been helping small businesses grow through internet marketing since 1999. MSW Interactive Designs is happy to share a few helpful tips with you on how to leverage your Facebook Live videos effectively. Facebook Live allows for individuals, public figures and businesses to share live video with friends and followers on Facebook.

Facebook Live Basics

Facebook Live is available to all pages and profiles from IOS, Androids and Facebook Mentions. You will know when the video is live when you see a red icon at the top left hand corner with the word, "live" next to it. There will also be a number up there showing you how many viewers you have currently. Consumers discover Facebook Live videos simply by scrolling through their newsfeed. They can opt to get notified when that "broadcaster" goes live again by tapping the button at the top of the video labeled, "Live Subscribe." Also, consumers who frequently engage or interact with the person or business going live may receive notifications as well.

4 Ideas for Your First Facebook Live Event

1. Answer Frequently Asked Questions 

Facebook Live is the perfect way to communicate to your consumers. Take a look at your recent posts across all your social media channels. What are people asking frequently? Be mindful of what you are asked the most face to face in your business. Answer these questions on Facebook Live. Your consumers will appreciate it. The great thing about Facebook Live is it will also increase your social media presence drastically. In 2014, CEO Mark Zuckerburg was quoted as saying, "In 5 years, most of Facebook will be video."

2. Give A Special Inside Look to Your Business

Educate your consumers on what you do and how you do it. For example, if you own a pizza restaurant, show them how you bake your pizza. Highlight the freshness of your ingredients and your techniques. Show your followers things they don't get to see on a normal basis. There may be people out there who are interested in doing the same type of work you are one day. Inspire them through Facebook Live. Your fan base will grow if you give your followers interesting, unique video to view.

3. Tease Upcoming Products

You've just got a shipment in of brand new products but they haven't hit the shelves yet-what do you do? Showcase them on Facebook Live! Describe your products in detail and consider adding a link to the comments that consumers can buy your product from. Announce when your products will be available and if selling them online, how long they typically take to ship. Give a demonstration, really engage your consumer.

4. Promote Events You Are Going to Be Involved With

Consumers love companies that are getting involved with the community. Community wide events supporting non-profits are a great way to do so. Announce on Facebook Live when you will be participating in this event and why you have chosen to. Maybe you own a new business and you are about to have a grand opening, promote that on Facebook Live. List your website link in the comments and direct your consumers to it for further details regarding the event. This will create more traffic to your website and increase awareness about your business.

Our internet marketing team can walk you through the ins and outs of Facebook Live. Keep your content engaging and unique. Happy broadcasting!

~ Post by Krysti Rice, Social Media Coordinator
Phone: (573) 552-8403


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