Could NOT Using Social Media Be HURTING Your Business?

Smart phones, tablets, smart watches, PCs, smart TVs, gaming consoles... We live in a world where practically any device can access the internet. According to a report by GlobalWebIndex, most people spend more than 6 hours a day online. Of that time, 1.72 hours is spent on social media networks. This means that browsing social media makes up almost 30% of the time consumers spend online.

Yet despite these staggering statistics, there are several business owners out there who have not yet embraced social media marketing. Unfortunately, what these business owners may not realize is that neglecting to maintain a social media presence may actually hurt your business. Keep reading to find out what we mean.

7 Reasons Why Not Being On Social Media Is Bad For Business

1. Your Customers Expect You To Be There.

According to a report issued by Social Media Examiner, 93% of marketers are using Facebook and 66% of marketers plan to increase their use of Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. With so many businesses already on social media, consumers have come to expect it. If your business is nowhere to be found, it may make you seem inaccessible.

2. Your Competitors ARE There.

Since 93% of marketers are already on Facebook, it is safe to assume that at least one (and probably several) of your competitors are already leveraging these platforms as part of their marketing campaigns. If potential customers see your competitors continually posting great content and interacting with their existing customer base in a positive manner, what will make them come to your business instead?

3. You're Spending More Money On Traditional Advertising.

Most business owners agree that they need to advertise, so the ones who aren't using social media often pursue other forms of advertising. While these other methods may be effective, they are often far more expensive than the options social media offers. Social media allows you to get your message out to a wide range of potential customers for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

4. It Can Be Harder To Recruit High-Quality Employees.
The recruitment industry has changed drastically since the onset of social media. AdWeek tells us that 92% of recruiters use social media to attract high-quality candidates, and Link Humans reveals that 76% of social job seekers found their current positions through Facebook. Most of today's job seekers (especially the Millennial generation) are looking for companies that are accessible and fun. Without an active presence on social media, you may have a harder time attracting the right candidates.

5. You Aren't Part Of The Conversation.

Even if you aren't on social media, the rest of the world is - and you can be confident that they're talking about you! Consumers are always posting about their experiences with local companies, both good and bad. If you aren't on social media, you won't have any way of knowing what your customers are saying about you.

6. Diffusing Negative Comments May Be A Challenge.

No matter how great your company is, you will inevitably have to deal with unsatisfied customers every now and then. Social media enables you to publicly address your customers' individual concerns, demonstrating to potential consumers that you are accessible and responsive. If you aren't on social media, you may have to work much harder to restore your image if someone starts complaining about your business.

7. Your Customers Won't See Your Unique Personality

People want to do business with people. One of the best things about social media marketing is that it allows you to show off company's unique culture and personality. You wouldn't take out an ad in the newspaper to show everyone how you celebrated your employee's birthday, but it's easy to make a post about it. These types of human interest posts show your customers your fun side, make you more accessible, and typically go over extremely well.

We Can Leverage Social Media For Your Business

In today's increasingly digital world, maintaining a strong presence on social media is essential. If you are one of the companies who has yet to leverage the full power of social media, MSW Interactive Designs can help you get started. Our talented social media coordinators will write and post outstanding original content that is interesting and valuable to your customer base. We offer multiple engagement packages so you can find the option that will best meet your company's needs. For more information about our social media marketing services, call us at (573) 552-8403 or visit our website:

~ Post by Bailey Puppel, Internet Marketing Specialist
Phone: 877-211-5492


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