9 Ways to Engage Your Twitter Followers

While Facebook is still king, more and more people are using Twitter each day. It's important that your business is using both when it comes to social media marketing. How, exactly though, do you engage people on Twitter? With only 140 characters available per post, it's important that you make your message stand out among the massive amount of tweets sent each day. Here are a few tips for not only tweeting effectively, but how to actually engage your followers with your Twitter activity:

1. Show Some Personality. 

Use your Twitter bio to express your personality. Don't just be a boring business, show your followers that there is a person behind that business that cares about their customers. People want to engage with real people, who have their own thoughts and opinions.

2. Tweet Consistently, but Not All at Once. 

You don't want to constantly bombard your followers with tweets, however be consistent. Post on a regular basis and space the tweets out so that they aren't flooding your followers' Twitter feed. Try to leave at least 30 minutes between tweets.

3. Use Questions. 

Asking questions is one of the best ways to engage with your followers - and if they ask you questions, be sure to answer them! Share your knowledge and participate in the conversations they are having. You should also consider getting involved in Twitter chats if you have the time.

4. Include Images. 

Twitter is growing an changing. What used to be just a combination of 140 characters has evolved to include pictures. According to several marketing studies, pictures of people do particularly well in increasing the success of posts or ads. Whenever possible, use images of your staff to help users relate to your brand on a personal level.

5. Strategically Capitalize Words. 

According to a study by Conductor, 64% of the sample group favored title case, where the first letter of each primary word is capitalized, as opposed to all caps or all lowercase. Keep this in mind when using headlines and consider using headlines in your tweets to grab the consumers attention.

6. Ask for Retweets. 

One way to engage your followers is to simply ask them to. Ask for them to retweet your content. When you do this, be sure to use under 140 characters. Often times people want to add a little blurb of their own when they retweet your info or maybe they want to mention a friend who they think might also enjoy your content.

7. Respond to Mentions and Retweets. 

If someone engages with your business or content, either through mention of a retweet, be sure to respond. Thank them for their support and when possible, offer them additional relevant information. If they liked your tweet, maybe they would be interested in reading additional content on the topic. Twitter becomes more beneficial when you provide value to others.

8. Give Credit to Sources. 

Always give credit where credit is due. Be sure to acknowledge the person who shared the information with you, even if they shared it through other channels. If the person or source has a Twitter handle, be sure to use it to credit them as a source. This technique can also help you build a relationship with that person, and they may end up sharing your content in the future.

9. Don't Automate, Be Real. 

With all those fancy tools for automating posts, it can be tempting to automate everything, especially when you're pressed for time. While there's nothing wrong with scheduling a few things, be careful not to automate everything. Remember to follow up on tweets and engage in conversation daily, in real time. When you engage in real time, you have the possibility of attracting more followers.

If the thought of using Twitter on a weekly basis scares you, don't worry! MSW Interactive Designs is here to help you with all your Lake of the Ozarks internet marketing needs. From setting up your Twitter profile to creating tweets and interacting with your followers on Twitter, our experienced social media coordinators can manage your social media for you so you can worry about the other important aspects of your business. Give us a call at 573-552-8403 for more information on our social media services at the Lake of the Ozarks.

~ Erin Burdette, Social Media Manager

MSW Interactive Designs ~ We Put the Web to Work for You! 

Phone: 877-211-5492


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