Picking a Social Media Company
Considering hiring someone to help with your business social media?
Many business owners recognize the importance of social media for reaching potential clients, improving website rankings, extending branding efforts, and establishing themselves as experts in their field. However, executing an effective social media campaign takes a considerable amount of time. Many businesses are now hiring experts to ensure they get the results. It’s important to find a company with a proven track record since a strategic business social media campaign is more than just making “salesy” posts across a bunch of social channels.
4 Questions to ask before you trust someone with your business social media presence:
- Can I see real examples of BUSINESS social media that you have done?
- Many freelancers or one-person social media shops describe their experience by saying, “I’ve been on Facebook for years.” Ask for specific examples of successful campaigns executed for real businesses.
- Do you have graphic design, web design and search engine optimization (SEO) experience?
- Your social media company should be able to create great visuals for your posts.
- Your social media company should understand the relationship between web design and how the major search engines use social signals to rank your website.
- Your social media company should be able to articulate SEO posting strategies to improve your rankings in Google. If they are simply posting to “generate buzz”, you are not maximizing efforts, money, or results.
- How will you measure and show results?
- Your social media company should understand the constantly changing landscape of social media and SEO, and have the ability to keep up.
- Your social media company should articulate a strategic plan for your business that drives all of your social media efforts (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, and others) toward building your business.
- Your social media company should understand how to analyze social media analytics/insights to maximize your engagement success, as well as how to integrate them with Google analytics.
- Can you provide client testimonials?
- If you can’t talk to their existing clients to gain their perspective, consider moving on.
- If it’s a student, a new company, or “freelancer”, consider calling a previous employer or college instructor to gain insight on the person/business. Remember, social media is part of the public face of your business … trusting your neighbor’s sophomore son, your nephew in college, or a start-up without a proven track record can be risky.
If you have any questions about social media, or how to choose a great company to help you, give us a call. Our 9 years experience in business social media and 15 years of website experience means that we probably can answer your question!
~ Sandy Waggett, Owner
MSW Interactive Designs ~ We Put the Web to Work for You!
Phone: 877-211-5492
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