Top 10 For 2013

Good Bye 2012, Hello 2013!
The team at MSW Interactive Designs hopes you reached all your business goals in 2012.  We thought we’d start the year off right and give you 10 concrete actions you can take to grow your business web presence.  We expect many new developments in search engine optimization and social media in the next 12 months and we will continue to keep you up to date monthly.

10 Tips to Improve Your Web Presence in 2013

  1.  If you don’t have a website, social media presence, and mobile presence get them!  Phone books are a thing of the past and Google is your new business card.
  2. Examine how your website is doing in the major search engines.  Try searching for what your customers are searching for and not for your business name.  If you don’t find your website on page 1 of Google for that search term, adjust the optimization on your website or call your webmaster.
  3. Start a Blog.  This is the most important social media effort that you can do.  Position yourself as the expert in your field with great content and link keyword anchor text back to your website.
  4. Clean up your act.  If your website has typos, is hard to navigate, has a dated look, has non-professional photos, and you don’t have prominent contact information on every page, clean it up. Your website will be the first impression of your business for many people.
  5. Have clear calls to action on every part of your web presence.  If you want a visitor to do something, tell them to do it…signup for a newsletter, call for a quote, visit your store,  or buy now are all good calls to action. Make these prominent.
  6. Get other businesses to link to your website.  Google factors in how many credible INBOUND links go to your website in ranking it.  Get the chamber, CVB, other large organizations to link to your site even, if you have to pay for it.
  7. Define your ideal client and optimize your website for that client.  If you repair cars and your ideal client is a high-end car owner locally, then focus your search engine terms specifically to that client. For example, “BMW repair in Lake of the Ozarks”.
  8. Install Google Analytics.  You can do this yourself, or have your webmaster take care of it.  Install analytics on every page of your website.  You can see in-depth information on how many visitors you have, what they are doing, where they came from, how they found you, and more.
  9. Don’t sell, provide value!  The days of “buy from me, I’m the best” are gone.  When using social media, strive to provide information that your customers find valuable.  It’s ok to mix in sales messages periodically, but you will have little success if that is all you are doing.
  10. Finally, set goals and determine what actions are needed to accomplish them.  Goals will help you see how you are doing and where to focus your resrouces.  Examples: “rank in the top 3 in Google”, “get 15 quality leads a month from my website”, or “gain 1000 new fans this year on Facebook”.
We want to provide you value in 2013.
Please let us know if there are any specific topics that you want us to write about in the next 12 months.

Follow MSW Interactive Designs
Mike Waggett, MSW Interactive Designs LLC ~ We put the web to work for you!


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