Building an Effective Web Presence - Step 13 - Tweet!

Step #13 – Tweet
Over  the past twelve posts we’ve identified many steps in the process of building an effective web presence:   1) Define your ideal client; 2) Identify specific goals; 3) Create a call to action; 4) Give customers what they expect; 5) Be a better communicator; 6) Get found; 7) Improve Your Link Popularity;  8) Setup and optimize your free Google Places listing;  9) Make it easy to share; 10) Be analytical;  11) Start a Blog; and 12) Get LinkedIn.

The thirteenth step is:  Tweet.

What is Twitter?   (
Twitter is a network where millions of people and businesses find/share information every day. As a Twitter user, you read/write messages up to 140 characters. These are called Tweets. Other Twitter users subscribe to your messages by “following” your account. Your followers then receive each of your messages in their timeline … a feed of all the accounts they have subscribed to (similar to Facebook’s Newsfeed).

Did You Know?
There are 230 million Tweets per day and more than 100 million active users.  64% of Twitter users are 35 or older, with the estimated average age of 39.1.  Twitter is the social media platform of choice for Fortune 100 companies, with 76% ranking it as the most valuable. Only 15% of small businesses use Twitter. The other 85% are missing the boat. If you are part if that 85%, it’s time to start tweeting!

8 Reasons to Use Twitter for Business Marketing
Inbound marketing
is about getting found by potential customers and it is tightly tied to relationship marketing where you earn business through growing relationships, credibility and trust. Twitter is a powerful platform for both and can be used for:  1) Brand Awareness;  2) Customer Service; 3) Content Distribution; 4) Lead Generation; 5) Credibility Building;  6) Referral Network Expansion;  7) Competitive Intelligence; and 8) Search Engine Optimization.

Get Started
Go to and create a free account. Remember, Twitter is all about packing power messages into small spaces. Twitter limits how much information you can include in your profile, so you need to make it count. Be sure to include a photo, a 160-character bio, and the URL to your website. Try to make your username as short as possible, for two reasons: 1) It’s easier to remember; and 2) People only have 140 characters for their tweets, including your name if they are replying to or retweeting one of your messages.

What to Tweet About
Always keep in mind, Twitter is a place to grow relationships and build your brand reputation. Pushing constant sales messages will get you “unfollowed” quickly. Instead, try to offer value in your tweets. Solve problems for people. Offer insights in your area of expertise. Provide coupons and deals. Take people behind the scenes of your business. Share photos of your business and the people who are the life-blood of it. Be real.  

Growing Tweeps ( or Followers … like your “Peeps”) Takes Time
Building your Twitter following doesn’t happen overnight, but if you consistently focus on value messages, share your insights, your values, and the personalities that drive your brand, you’ll ultimately grow a loyal group of Twitter followers who may ultimately become brand evangelists for your business.  How’s that for the price of a free Tweet?

Follow MSW Interactive Designs on Twitter  @PutTheWebToWork

Sandy Waggett, Owner
MSW Interactive Designs LLC ~ We put the web to work for you!

TWITTER:  @putthewebtowork


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