Building an Effective Web Presence Step #6 – Get Found

Over the past five months we identified steps one through five in the process of building an effective web presence:   1) Define your ideal client; 2) Identify specific goals; 3) Create a call to action; 4) Give customers what they expect; and 5) Be a better communicator.

The sixth step is: 
Make sure your website is properly optimized for the best possible organic search results. 
First let’s define “organic” search results.

The definition of Organic Search Results is the search term results returned by a search engine (like Google) derived from what the search engine thinks is important (as opposed to returning paid listings or advertisements). In other words, “organic” results are the “free” results.

With 96% of Google users not clicking past page one of search results, it is critical that your site be found on page one… either with the organic results, a Google places listing (more on this in a future article), or through pay-per-click advertising.  Achieving top organic rankings can be challenging if you have a lot of competition, however there are some fundamental things you can do with your website to maximize your chances of reaching coveted page one placement.

This topic can get very technical, so we’ll just list the high level basics here. Feel free contact me for an SEO review of your website.

Basics of On-Page Organic Search Engine Optimization

  1. When thinking about keyword phrases for which you want your site to be found, think locally if you serve a local market. For example, rather than optimizing your site for “car repair” in general, try “car repair lake of the ozarks” 
  2. Use appropriate and properly formatted meta tags 
  3. Write quality content for your site  
  4. Use minimal Flash, if you must use any at all 
  5. Don’t use template sites that do not allow full customization for SEO purposes 
  6. Don’t embed text in images 
  7. Update your website often 
  8. Provide text link navigation 
  9. Provide a site map 
  10.   Use Google Analytics (more on this topic in a future article)

Of course, once your site is properly optimized and if your competitors all have properly optimized websites, that begs the next question … how do you outrank them?   You start with the fundamentals of organic on-page SEO described in this article. You then build on this with “off-page” SEO efforts, including social media, link building, blogging, etc.  The businesses who effectively master the hybrid of these strategies will find themselves on page one of Google, over time.  It all starts with an organically optimized website, though.  If you work the above ten elements into your website properly, I am confident you will see an improvement in your organic search engine rankings.  I will discuss in more detail the “off-page” SEO efforts in future articles.

Sandy Waggett, Owner
MSW Interactive Designs LLC ~ We put the web to work for you!


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